These are my favorite photos from this assignment.
The first two are from the color tests with fruit and construction paper; I like the multiplied lime image because of the pattern that I created, and I like the pear because of its deep red color. For the lime I created a custom grid in Lightroom and inserted one photo many times, and then printed as a JPG. For the Bartlett Pear I brought up the vibrance again and brightness, luminance and highlights.
The Meat Market photo was fun to work on because I used the selective tool to bring up the exposure and saturation on the neon and I darkened the rest of the image to make the colors in this part stand out extra. I also brought up the cooler tones in one of the images to make it more interesting. The tartlet and the berries are my absolute favorites in this assignment, they look shiny, lush and delicious. I brought up the contrast in the tartlet and added some vignetting. I also saturated it a little bit so that it wasn't quite so grey (like it is in the original). The berries were really fun to work with. I brought up through the little alley of berry boxes and above the blackberries to highlight this area. I also increased the saturation. I used the paintbrush tool to highlight the blackberries more, and I really like how this picture turned out. While I did saturate the colors in all of these pictures I really like the incredible colors that come out when you do (even though Ms. Abens said that sometimes pictures are oversaturated... like I suspect mine are).