The first image that I chose was of the benches at Jamison Square in the Pearl. What I like about it is the form of the benches, how they curve over onto one another. I also like the walkways along either side of the row of benches, I think that it echoes the mirroring of the benches nicely. I edited this image in Lightroom, I brought out the blacks a little bit, and I accentuated the brightness and contrast. After this step I increased the highlights and lights, but decreased the shadows on my curve.
My next two pictures were taken in Washington Park. The first, of the fountain, I especially love because of the dramatic axis leading up to it, the gorgeous ironwork, and the dappled light and trees in the background. I like the water fountain for the lighting as well, and the symmetry that it also displays. But what I really like about this picture is the quirky street art that someone left above the water fountain, It was a really great coincidence. For my fountain I brought up the fill light and blacks just a little bit, and I also brought up the contrast and the brightness. Highlights, brightness and darks were all increased, while shadows were decreased. Luminance, detail and contrast were enhanced, and I added a little bit of dark vignetting which I think helps focus your eye onto the fountain. For the water fountain, I moved towards the blue temperature, increased the blacks a tiny amount, and increased the brightness and contrast. Highlights, lights, darks and shadows were all increased. I increased the yellow saturation and decreased the green saturation. Finally, I increased the sharpening.
My square format photograph was actually really interesting to edit. I initially chose it because I really liked the spaghetti overpasses in contrast with the upright background buildings, but there wasn't enough focus in the original on what I liked so much about the picture. After cropping the original image and attempting to edit it in color, I decided that switching it to black and white it would be more effective. First, I adjusted the temperature to be more yellow. I also increased the recovery, fill light, and blacks, in addition to increasing brightness and contrast. I brought up the highlights, lights, darks and shadows in my curve. I also adjusted the color in the black and white color balance so that the highway overpasses would be lighter than the surrounding buildings and so that the curves of the overpasses are more exaggerated.
This panorama was taken on Vista Bridge at 7:00 am, and I think that the light streaming in behind the city is beautiful because the sun was out (finally)! I also like it because the V that is formed by the road and trees on the hills on either side- it directs your eyes to the city. While this isn't a traditional cityscape I like it because I think it gives the viewer a unique image of Portland. I find it to be especially revealing of Portland because of the slightly overcast sky with some sun peeking through and the evergreen trees, but with a little bit of an urban landscape, too bad Hood wasn't in the view. I did this by uploading my images that I took on my tripod into Photoshop and Automated a panorama. After this, I exported the image into Lightroom and brought up some of the brightness so that the sun would be more of a focal point but so that they trees weren't black holes in the picture.